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Catherine Helen Spence: 1875-1878

A guide to Catherine Helen Spence featuring writings about her and a chronological bibliography of her works.


(January 5 Higher class education for girls. Register, pp. 4ef-5a. [Unsigned leader. This reads like Spence and could be by her. See note to 15 January 1874.])
(August 10 The licensed teachers. Register, p. 6b. [Letter signed SPES. This could well be by Spence. She frequently used the pseudonym.])
November 25 George Eliot. Evening Journal, p. 3f. [Report of lecture by Miss Spence under the auspices of the Unitarian Young Men's Society at the Town Hall Exchange Room on 24 November 1875.]
November 25 George Eliot. Register, p. 5c. [Report of lecture by Miss Spence under the auspices of the Unitarian Young Men's Society at the Town Hall Exchange Room on 24 November 1875.]
December 4 George Eliot. Observer, p. 6c-d. [Report of lecture by Miss Spence under the auspices of the Unitarian Young Men's Society at the Town Hall Exchange Room on 24 November 1875.]
  George Eliot. Melbourne Review, vol. 1, pp. 146-63. [Article by C. H. Spence.]
  Sir Richard Hanson. Melbourne Review, vol. 1, pp. 427-50. [Article by C. H. Spence. Religion. Autobiography.]
April 10 Female teachers. Register, p. 3g. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
  Australian federation and imperial union. By a colonist. Fraser's Magazine, new series, vol. XVL, pp. 526-539. London, October 1877. [Article signed S. Acknowledged in Autobiography (p. 52).] [Reviewed 23 January 1878 in Register, p. 6a.]
  Graduated succession duties. Melbourne Review, vol. 2, pp. 443-50. [Article by C. H. Spence. Taxation.] [Reviewed 27 October 1877, in Register, p. 5ef.]
January 20 Middle-class education for girls. Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
January 24 Middle-class education for girls. Register, p. 4d-f. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
January 29 The model school system. Register, p. 5a. [Unsigned subleader. Morice cuttings.]
January 30 Middle-class education for girls. Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
February 8 Middle-class education for girls. Register, p. 4c-e. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
February 12 Middle-class education for girls. Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
May 2 The university and the common school. Register, p. 4c-e. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
May 26 Universities and common schools. Register, p. 4d-f. [Unsigned leader. Morice cuttings.]
June 4 New books. 'Harriet Martineau's autobiography'. . . Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned review. Morice cuttings.]
June 9 New books. 'Harriet Martineau's autobiography'. . . Observer, p. 17a-c. [Unsigned review. Morice cuttings.]
June 16 Universities and common schools. Observer, p. 18b-c. [Unsigned article. Morice cuttings.]
July 25 Our educational system. Register, p. 7c. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
July 28 Our educational system. Observer, p. 9g. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
September 7 Government by party. Register, p. 4d-f. [Unsigned leader. Acknowledged in letter to Charles Pearson, 2 November 1877, in the Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria. 'The only political writing of all I have done in my life (and that is a good deal) for which I have been paid.']
September 10 Mr. Rees's speech on the education question. Register, p. 6f. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
October 3 Government by party. Register, p. 6g. [Letter by Pure Democracy. Acknowledged in letter to Charles Pearson, 2 November 1877, in the Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria.]
October 23 Government by party. Register, p. 5f-g. [Letter by Pure Democracy. Acknowledged in letter to Charles Pearson, 2 November 1877, in the Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria.]
  Some social aspects of South Australian life. By A Colonist of 1839—C. H. Spence. Adelaide, R. Kyffin Thomas, 1878. pp. 17. [Pamphlet reprinted from articles in the Register.][Reviewed by H. G. T. in Melbourne Review, no. 4, pp. 110-1, 1879.]
March 25 Boarding-out system of South Australia. I. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 3a-b. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
March 26 Boarding-out system of South Australia. II. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 5d-e. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
March 27 Boarding-out system of South Australia. III. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 5d-e. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
March 28 The reformatories and the industrial school. Register, p. 4e-f.[Unsigned second leader. Mortlock scrapbook. Delinquency.]
April 12 Professor Pearson on education. Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
April 13 Professor Pearson on compulsory education. Register, p. 4d-f. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
April 17 Professor Pearson on education. Register, p. 4d-e. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
April 22 Compulsory education and larrikinism. Register, p. 4e-f. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
April 25 The incidence of taxation. Register, p. 4d-e. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
June 10 The sphere of government action. Register, p. 4e-g. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
June 24 The recent murder case. Evening Journal, p. 2c. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook. Women. Social problems.]
June 24 The recent murder case. Register, p. 4d-e. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook. Women. Social problems.]
June 27 The education debate. Register, p. 5f-g. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
July 1 The education council. Register Supplement, p. 2d-e. [Letter by C. H. Spence.]
July 5 Mothers. Register, p. 5f-g. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook. Social issues.]
July 6 [In 'Ladies'.] Receptions v. calls. [Written for the Sydney Mail.] Sydney Mail, p. 10a-b. [Article by Meridionale. Mortlock scrapbook. Social issues.]
July 6 Afloat or ashore. Australasian , p.6a-e. [Short story in two parts by C. H. Spence.]
July 13 Afloat or ashore. (Concluded). Australasian , pp. 5e-6d. [Short story in two parts by C. H. Spence.]
July 15 Marriage rights and wrongs. Register, pp. 5g-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook. Women. Social problems.]
July 19 English and German party government. Register, p. 6b-d. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
July 20 Marriage rights and wrongs. Evening Journal, p. 3f-g. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook. Women. Social problems.]
July 27 [In 'Ladies'.] Matching colours. [Written for the Sydney Mail.] Sydney Mail, p. 130. [Article by Meridionale. Acknowledged pseudonym. See 6 July 1878. Social issues.]
August 2 Social and literary notes. Register, pp. 5g-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 7 The life of a Scottish probationer. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 3a-d. [Review by S. of The Life of a Scottish Probationer, being a memoir of Thomas Davidson, with his poems and extracts from his letters. By James Brown, Minister of St. James Street Church, Paisley. Glasgow, James Maclehose. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 9 Equality as an influence on society and manners. Register, pp. 5g-6ab. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook. Social issues.]
August 12 Taxation. Register, pp. 4g-5a. [Unsigned second leader. Mortlock scrapbook]
August 16 Labour movements in Europe and America. Register, pp. 5g-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 17 Electoral reform. Evening Journal, p. 2c. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 17 Electoral reform. Register, p. 4d-f. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 17 Life and letters of James Hinton. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 8b-d. [Review by S. of Life and Letters of James Hinton, edited by Ellen Hopkins. London, Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Mortlock scrapbook. ]
August 24 The June reviews. First notice. Register, pp. 5g-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
August 24 'It is always a good thing. . .' Sydney Morning Herald, p. 4e-f. [Unsigned leader. Government. Morice cuttings.]
August 30 The June reviews. Second and concluding notice. Register, p. 6a-b. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
September 2 The boarding-out system in South Australia. By one who assists in the management. Age p. 3a-c. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
September 14 New Ireland. Register, pp. 5g-6a-b. [Unsigned review of Political Sketches and Personal Reminiscences by A. M. Sullivan. London, Sampson Low & Co, 1878. Mortlock scrapbook.]
September 20 The July reviews. First notice. Register, pp. 5fg-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlake scrapbook.]
September 24 The House of Lords and upper chambers. Register, pp. 5g-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook. Government.]
September 25 The Boarding-out Society. Register, p. 4f-g. [Report including mention of Miss Spence. Biographical fragment.]
September 25 The Boarding-out Society. Register, p. 6c-e. [Miss Spence's report.]
September 28 The pupil teacher system. Register, pp. 4fg-5a. [Unsigned second leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
September 28 The July reviews. Second notice. Register, pp. 5fg-6a. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
October 4 Life, health, and climate. Register, p. 6a-b. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
October 14 The August reviews. First notice. Register, p. 5f-g. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
October 18 The August reviews. Second and concluding notice. Register, p. 6a-b. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
October 23 The Melbourne review. Register, p. 5e-f. [Unsigned review. Mortlock scrapbook.]
October 26 Some social aspects of early colonial life. Register, pp. 5fg-6a. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 1 Some present social aspects of colonial life. Register, p. 6b-d. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 2 Some social aspects of early colonial life. Observer Miscellany, no. 201, pp. 689-92. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 9 The social outlook for the future. Register, pp. 5eg-6a. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 9 Some present social aspects of colonial life. Observer Miscellany, no. 202, pp. 705-8. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 11 The September reviews. Register, p. 5e-g. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
November 16 The social outlook for the future. Observer Miscellany, no. 203, pp. 721-4. [Article by A Colonist of 1839.]
November 30 Husbands and wives. Observer Miscellany, no. 205, pp. 753-6. [Unsigned article reprinted in Some Social Aspects of South Australian Life 1878. Pamphlet by A Colonist of 1839—C. H.Spence. Social issues.]
December 4 The dangerous classes. Register, p. 4c-e. [Unsigned leader. Mortlock scrapbook. Social problems.]
December 13 The October reviews. First notice. Register, pp. 5g-6ab. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
December 14 The financial position of India. Register, p. 4d-e. [Unsigned second leader. Mortlock scrapbook. Note in Spence's handwriting: 'Beginning not mine'. Social issues.]
December 21 Enigma. Evening Journal Supplement, pp. 1g-2a. [Puzzle by C. H. S.]
December 21 The adjective game. Observer Miscellany, no. 208, pp. 826-827. Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
December 21 Enigma. Observer Miscellany, no. 208, p. 828. [Puzzle by C. H. S.]
December 21 Hester's Christmas gift. Sydney Mail, pp. 966-8. [Short story in two parts by C. H. Spence ]
December 24 The adjective game. Evening Journal , p. 6d. Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
December 24 The boarding-out system in Tasmania. Register, pp. 4g-5a. [Unsigned second leader. Mortlock scrapbook.]
December 26 The October reviews. Second notice. Register, p. 5e-g. [Unsigned article. Mortlock scrapbook.]
December 28 Hester's Christmas gift. (Concluded.) Sydney Mail, pp. 1006-7.