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Landing the telegraph cable (PRG 742/5/84)
Vaiben Louis Solomon, editor of the Northern Territory Times 1884-1898 (B 3685)
N.T. Times Almanac and Directory 1885-1896 (some years on microfiche)
Compulsory registration of all births, deaths and marriages for the Northern Territory began on 24 August 1870.
These official records are held at the Northern Territory Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Earlier registrations (prior to 24 August 1870) may be found at the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office of South Australia.
Due to restrictions placed by the supplier this online index may only be accessed within the Library:
Until 1912 the Northern Territory was administered by the South Australian government. Northern Territory government records up until 1912 are held by State Records of South Australia.
Alice Springs Telegraph Station, drawing by Edwin Berry 1872 (B 1891)